These pages or flows have been recreated in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio (VBS) to improve your user experience. The pages or flows look and act like Redwood pages or flows, to help create cohesiveness through the application.
Check out the Profile Management pages and flows that can be used to complete your Redwood experience. These pages and flows have been recreated in the Redwood toolset Visual Builder Studio (VBS) to improve the user experience by having the same backend functionality. The pages and flows identified in this feature have not been through a full redesign, but they have been modified, to look and act like Redwood pages or flows, to help create cohesiveness through the application. All these pages and flows will be turned off by default and you will be able to choose to enable them.
By using these new pages or flows you can take advantage of the cohesiveness of the application.
Enables you as a Profile Administrator to:
- Configure approvals for skills and qualifications, so that, the approver is able validate the data when an item is submitted by the worker.
- Configure notifications to be sent to the owner when the profile items of the person’s profile are modified.
- Access the Redwood Talent Ratings page using the More Actions menu from the Redwood Talent Profile Search page
Enables you to use Talent Ratings to evaluate an employee, including performance, potential, proficiency, readiness, and impact. Ratings are used in multiple products within the Oracle Cloud HCM product family such as Profile Management, Performance Management, and Talent Review. Extensibility is supported.
Enables descriptive flexfield support and extensibility for the Talent Ratings page.
Check out the Feedback Visibility page that you can use to complete your Redwood experience. This page has been recreated in the Redwood toolset Visual Builder Studio (VBS) to improve the user experience by having the same backend functionality. This page will be turned off by default and you can choose to enable it.
By using the new page or flow you can take advantage of the cohesiveness through the application.
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