
Global Payroll

Oracle Global Payroll is a high-performance, graphical, rules-based payroll management application. It’s designed to keep pace with the changing needs of your enterprise and workforce in order to reduce setup costs, administration, and processing time. It operates globally and consistently in every country supported by Oracle. It uses a highly scalable processing engine that takes advantage of the features of the Oracle database for parallel processing, resulting in optimal performance. In countries with payroll extensions delivered and supported by Oracle, the application delivers the calculations, tax reporting, and regulatory rules required to accurately process payroll and remain in compliance.

  • Deletion of Time After Termination Date of Employee

You can now terminate an employee even when they have time entries in Payroll that are beyond the termination date. The time element’s latest entry date determines when time entries held in the Payroll application are automatically deleted.

  • Distributed Element Name as Subledger Accounting Source

You can now view the name of the distributed element in the results for the sub-ledger accounting process. When the costs for an element are distributed, the name of the distributed element is now displayed on the journal line, such as the name of the employer costs element is now displayed on the salary cost result.

View the name of the distributed element in the sub-ledger accounting process results.

Steps to Enable

To display the name of the distributed costs element in the subledger journal lines, you need to create a description rule with the Distributed Costs Element Name as the source, and attach this new rule to the Subledger Journal Entry Rule sets.

  • View All Year-End Documents: Redwood

View all year-end documents for an employee on the Year-End Documents page. This page displays all documents that have a publish date that’s the same as, or earlier than today’s date. You can also search for a document using the Specific Date Range search option. This search option returns all documents with an end date that falls within the start date and end date of the search period.

  • Redwood Experience for Payment Results

The Payment Results page has been moved to the Redwood toolkit, giving the page the look of Redwood, along with the backend functionality that Redwood has to offer. With this new page, you can quickly view and manage payment results for an employee.

You can access the Payment Results page by using navigations such as:

Use the Person Results task to directly search for an employee and view the Prepayment or Payment Results, for example, Generate Check Payment.

Use the Process Results Summary task to search and select the flow you’ve submitted, (for example, Calculate Prepayment Flow), and view individual records processed by the flow. Use the Actions menu on an individual record to open the Payment Results page of the employee.

The Payment Results page is viewed in the context of an employee and a process. Use the Process field at the top of the page to view the prepayments and payment processes run for the employee.

Redwood Experience for Personal Payment Methods: View Corrections Feature is from a customer-submitted idea.

You can now view all of the corrections made to a personal payment method in the Redwood Summary of Changes page available to professional users. The history section on the Personal Payment Method page lists all the effective-dated updates to the personal payment method since it was created. When you have auditing on personal payment methods enabled, you can drill down into an effective-dated personal payment method record to view all the corrections made to that record in the Summary of Changes page.

To enable auditing on personal payment methods for this feature, see the Steps to Enable.

Navigation: My Client Groups > Payroll > Personal Payment Methods > Drill down into any payment method > View History > Drill down into any of the effective-dated update records

The Payroll Administrator gets a complete picture of all changes to a selected payment method since its creation.

Redwood Payslip Enhancements

On the Payslips page, when you download one or more payslips using the Export icon, you can select the folder to save these payslips and download them in a compressed (zip) file. This feature lets you utilize less storage space and transfer the payslips to other devices easily.

Using extensibility, you can also do the following:

Hide the Export icon, if your company doesn’t need the ability to download multiple payslips.

Reorder the tabs on the page. For example, you can select to display the Payslip Preview page first, followed by the Earnings, Deductions, and Net Pay Distribution pages.

This feature lets you configure the Payslips page according to your business requirements.

  • Redwood Experience for Person Messages

The Person Messages page has been moved to the Redwood toolkit, giving the page the look of Redwood, along with the backend functionality that Redwood has to offer.

You can access the Redwood Messages page using any of the following navigation:

Use the Person Results task to directly search for an employee and use the Actions menu to open the Messages page for the employee.

Click on a person’s name while viewing records processed in a flow to go to the Results page and click on the Messages tab.

  • Redwood Experience for Flow Submission

The Submit a Flow page has been moved to the Redwood toolkit, giving the page the look of Redwood, along with the backend functionality that Redwood has to offer. With this new page, you can now submit a flow, process, data load, or report.

Enchant Apps has a team of Oracle Cloud experts across all modules. If you are interested in learning more or have a project where you need Oracle cloud expertise, feel free to contact us!

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24c- What’s New?

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