Testing is one of the most crucial part of any implementation that is always overlooked. Due to less important given to testing, and its time consuming natures more and more organizations are moving towards automated functional and load testing.

Oracle’s Application Testing Suite (OATS) helps automate testing of EBS and any other web based application including Java applications, web pages, portals and form based applications. OATS also helps with load testing and performance testing by simulating hundreds of user transactions automatically.

Its a cost effective way of replication setups from one instance to another, and also to test features across modules and capture results of the business process transactions.

EnchantApps has a team of experts who can streamline your Oracle Application Testing Suite implementation. Installation & setup, configuring seeded test scripts provided by Oracle, creating and validating new test scripts, setting up test managers and running complete regression test cycles are some of the services we provide to our clients.

Case Study:

Recently, EnchantApps automated 44 business process tests for a manufacturing company in Houston, TX. These 44 scripts included Oracle Procure to Pay, Forecast to Produce ASCP), Order to Cash and Hire to Retire cycles. EnchantApps also ran 3 iterations of these tests on 11i and R12 instances to ensure migration and technical upgrade of application was successful. One or the unique aspect of this implementation was the custom test script for Oracle Mobile Supply Chain (MSCA) testing where we automated the testing of barcode reader and picking process via hand held devices.

Contact us to learn more about our services with Oracle Application Testing Suite.

  • For any business operation, change is inevitable. When you change an IT system, there needs to be a rigorous test plan and process in place that can help you identify issues and deviations from the baseline.
  • Performance of application is also similarly important to meet the business transactions and reporting needs.
  • Testing the business flow in an EBS, and performance of the EBS in various processes can be a very time consuming and manual job.
  • Good news is, there are tools available to solve this problem. Oracle Application Testing Suite is one such tool that helps you automate functional and load testing for Oracle eBusiness Suite
Oracle Application Testing Suite



  • OATS functional test script is written in OpenScript. It provides a recording and playback feature for functional business flows.
  • These recorded scripts can be played back for one or more iterations.
  • Using the OpenScript, you can pass parameters, setup values for data to be used for testing.
    • EBS load testing allows to test the impact of many concurrent users accessing and interacting with the application at once
    • Using the OLT, we can simulate production-level workloads and assess EBS application performance and response times
    • We can also Identify and address application bottlenecks under load
    • Stress test beyond normal usage patterns to test the system’s response at unusually high loads and assess capacity
Oracle Application Testing Suite (OATS) Implementation

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